
Inside My World

Hey guys! Thank you for check out my blog. This is a place for me to share some of my wonderful experiences in education. Kids are funny. I feel like I could write a book with all of the crazy things I see and hear each day. In fact, I probably should be keeping a record of these things somewhere! I also really love what I do. I love planning and organizing and educating. There is nothing quite like seeing a child learn something new, or finally understand that difficult concept. I can't imagine being surrounded by bitter adults all day. Kids are so innocent and naive to the ugliness of the world. I'm thankful to be a teacher. And, more than that, I'm thankful to be a teacher at the school where I'm employed. It's really, really wonderful, and I couldn't ask for better co-workers.

In case I haven't mentioned it yet, I teach 1st grade. Last year I taught kindergarden & 4th, and the year before I taught 3rd. Yes, lots of changes. Not necessarily by choice, but it has all been worth it. I graduated from a university in WV. Taught my first year in Va. After getting married, my husband and I moved to NC where I began teaching 4th. For several reasons, I switched counties during the end of that school year and finished things off in Kindergarten. This year I bumped up to 1st where I teach some of the same students again. First grade is a TON of fun. People ask me all of the time which grade I like best. It is really hard to answer that since each experience has been in a different environment. I love all of it, really. But I can say that first grade has my heart right now.

So, speaking of my husband...he's great. He is studying to be a pastor right now and eventually we hope to plant a church in D.C. He has a huge heart for people. I'm really excited to see how God grows him over the next several years. He's going to do big things in this world, I'm sure of it.

Our faith is really important to us. While we're still sinners, we try our best to put God first, always. We love our church and our small groups. It has been really fun making new friends here (even though that is something I struggle with) and doing life together. When we first moved here, I struggled with a lot of big changes. It was my first time being away from home (I commuted for college), obviously my first time managing my own home (which is actually a lot of fun), learning to be a new wife, settling in to a new (and super challenging) school, meeting new people (which equals a whole slew of problems for me), and trying to adapt to a new state 5 hours from my family and friends. It was tough. It has been beautiful to watch God transform me through all of it. I've received such strength and peace from Him through everything. I love how my salvation is a free gift that also comes with a lifetime of sanctification.

My life really isn't any more exciting than yours, but I enjoy writing and I hope you'll enjoy reading what I have to say.

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