
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Long time coming...

I can barely believe today is here! For a while it felt as if this day would never arrive. Today is the last day of track out. Day in and day out -  organizing, cleaning, creating TPT products, sewing, baking, watching Netflix, hanging with friends, shopping. It has really been wonderful. However...this week I have been counting down the days with excitement. I really miss my little cuties! It has been nice to sleep in and do what I want whenever I want, but I feel a real lack of purpose. I was born to be a teacher. It's in my blood. I need to be around children, lesson planning, and teaching. I'm lost without it! So, I am excited to see my classroom tomorrow and get back into the swing of things. DID I MENTION I'M GETTING A SMARTBOARD?!?!?! Actually, it should be installed and ready to go! This is the first school I've worked in where I haven't had one. It has certainly been weird. I've been telling my students about it and we are all very excited!!

So I mentioned that I've been creating a lot of new things for TPT. This week I decided to try creating my own frames and digital paper. It is a learning experience...but it is very exciting to be able to create a whole product and NOT have to give anyone else any credit :). Today I finished up some CHEVRON digital paper and then I made some classroom labels using my new creation in the background. For the most part, I create things that I am in need of, hoping that others are, too. I have been working to organize me classroom little by little (only because of the slow process of $$buying$$ all of the crates and containers), so these labels will really help. I'd like to give my labels away to the first 5 people to comment this post (DON'T FORGET TO LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS)! Here is a preview:

Check it out here.

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