
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Week 1...Done!

Now I understand why bloggers have to have a planner and be super intentional about when they're going to blog. It is really hard to keep up with during the work week. It is actually hard to believe that the first week has already come and gone! It was a good week, though. I introduce all of the new routines and procedures that I blogged about last week.

This year I assigned every student a number. I did this when I worked in the upper grades, but I wasn't sure how it was work with the little bits. Turns out, they really like it. Most of my students already know their number. We use it for just about everything. It is found on their name time and in their cubby, so if they ever forget it they can use these places for references. Their number is then written on their book basket, the homework magnet, the "Question of the Day" data board, and starting next week they will write it on all of their papers. Sometimes the number is used for discretion. When a number is used, instead of a name, other students do not know who it is. Sticking a number on items that will be reused each year (like book baskets and cubbies) means that I don't have to put a new label on everything each year. Numbers also make things easier for grading and sorting purposes. When grading a stack of papers, I can easily put them in alphabetical order using the number. Then, I can input the grades into the system or grade book rather quickly. Lastly, when it is time to sort the papers into student files or mailboxes, they are already in the correct order. It is just a really practical method.

As of right now, I have 20 students. I am pretty excited about this number, because I am used to a bigger roster. I am sure a few more students may be registered in the coming weeks. I have a sweet class. My students were really good listeners this week, even though they had to sit and listen to a lot of first week mumbo jumbo. I am excited to get into some good curriculum this week.

Now that my classroom is totally set up, I can post a classroom tour! I'll be sure to get some nice pictures tomorrow, as we start a new week. I hope all of you traditional teachers are enjoying your last few weeks of summer, and you track 4 ladies enjoyed your first week back!

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