
Monday, January 13, 2014

Make-It Monday

Happy Monday, Y'all!

I hope you all enjoyed survived your Monday! I know they can be rough, especially in the education world.  If you read my last post, you know that I am currently tracked-out, or on a break from school. I go back on Friday, so I am trying to get my mind and body adjusted. This morning I failed...rather big time. The alarm went off at 7:30. While I did wake up several times from then until I actually rolled out of bed, I slept way later than I meant to. Oops!

Since it is Monday, and Monday's typically stink, I want to you give you all a FREE gift for Make-It Monday.
If you like this frame, you can download it here for FREE

I spent some time this afternoon creating a Valentine's Day card to give out to all of my students. Printing these puppies and taping a lollipop to the back is MUCH faster & easier than purchasing and labeling 20-some cards with each child's name, along with yours. I hope you find these useful as you prepare to spoil your cuties!
For a FREE PDF download, click HERE

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