
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Year-Round Schooling

For the first time in my career, I work at a year-round school. Where I am originally from, this does not exist. When we moved to NC and I began to hear a lot of year-round lingo, I was very confused. At this point, obviously, I understand the concept and the schedules (tracks), and I LOVE it. I am currently tracked-out, which means that my students and I have a few weeks off to rejuvenate. It just so happens that my track-out began as soon as Christmas break ended. This means I have been off work for nearly 3 weeks and counting. I return to work late next week. The students will enjoy a few extra days off, and then we will all be together again in late January. Sounds amazing, doesn't it? Well, it is. Now don't worry all of you traditional calendar folks. Your time comes in June!!
I made a to-do list at the beginning of Christmas break to ensure that I remain productive during my long time away from work. It can be too easy to become lazy if I convince myself that there is nothing to do. I am blessed, however, in that I enjoy being active. I love cleaning, organizing, and baking. So making a to-do list is typically exciting for me. Anyway, I pretty much checked everything off of my list last week. The only things remaining on that list involve school work. Which involves thinking about work, pulling out papers that didn't manage to get graded before break, working on report card comments, thinking about an alarm clock and a schedule and limited bathroom & snack breaks. So you see, I sit here...on the couch...writing a blog. This is really much more fun :-)
Because I am such an over-achiever (I'm not bragging, it's annoying), I did complete a few things before my break began. My school just started using an online "gradebook" program, but it's still in the works. So, until it is fully functioning, I like to keep my stuff organized my own way. I have created a gradebook that only contains the Common Core Standards that we are required to teach this quarter. So far I have only inputted math standards. However, it is created in Word, so it would be easy to adapt this chart for any subject or standards. We are also required to have 3 grades for each standard (this is why there are 3 small boxes for each student under each standard). I am not sure if this would be useful to anyone else, but I hope it will be!

Click here to download your FREE Math Gradebook

I guess I should get to work. Did I mention I also need to get some groceries?? Ugh...these are a few of my LEAST favorite things :/

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