
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My story

So this is my very first blog post. It is hard to say if anyone will actually ever read these words, but I do hope that my ideas and thoughts can inspire others. I have been teaching for 3 years, and so far I have covered 4 grade levels. Sounds kind of crazy, huh? Let me unfold my story for you.

I began my teaching career in 3rd grade at a really awesome school in Virginia. That summer, I married my handsome guy and a few weeks later we moved to North Carolina. I was lucky enough to score a job before we even made the move. I would be teaching 4th grade. Long story short, it wasn't the right place for me at that time. When the opportunity arose (unfortunately during the end of a school year),  I switched to a different county. Upon moving to the new school I was asked to teach kindergarten for the remainder of the year. When that school year was over, I was moved up to 1st grade. Which brings us up to date :)

It has certainly been challenging moving all of my materials each year, adapting to a new set of rules, meeting new co-workers, trying to learn the do's and don't's with new administration, and adjusting to a whole new grade level. But I must admit, this experience is rare and I'm thankful for it. I have learned a lot, from a lot of different people, and students. I'm excited about where I am now. I love my school, my team, and my students.

Well, that's a little bit about me! I hope to use this blog as a spot to express my creativity as a teacher. I plan to give away some freebies, and introduce some new units before selling them on my TPT store (check out my store here!). I also want to share what works and what doesn't work using my experience at varied grade levels. I hope you (assuming someone is reading this) come back again and again!

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