
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Classroom Tour

Hey guys! So how many of you are home today because of snow? I may be the only teacher in the world who is upset about have TWO snow days this week. Because of our year-round schedule, snow days have to be made up on Saturdays. Yes, you heard that right...I have to teach on Saturday. I'm trying to look at the  bright side, though. I only have to work from 8:00-11:30, the class size will likely be pretty small, and I got to sleep in for 2 days in a row. I probably shouldn't be complaining.

So, I've been promising you a classroom tour & I managed to gather some photos to walk you through the layout of my room : - D 

Welcome to first grade!
I LOVE owls. Yes, I know, everyone does nowadays. But I have a lot of fun decorating my class in those cute little guys. My students seem to really love it, too. This is how my door looked at the beginning of the school year. I made the big owl at the bottom, but the small owls are courtesy of  Michaela Peterson. I have print outs from her Owl Classroom Theme Decor & Back to School Essentials {Editable} all over my room. I changed the decor a bit during Halloween, and now it's festive for the holiday/winter season. I adapted some things I found on Pinterest to create this fun design. 

I have changed the desk arrangements a few times this year. We have tables, not desks. This has its pro's and con's, but I find that it works best to have each table separated. Too many 6 year olds in one bunch = trouble. Right now I have 22 students, which means I only need 4 tables (5 or 6 chairs at each). This is exciting news because I actually have 5 tables in my room. assistant finally gets her own space. The day I took this picture, we made Hot Chocolate to complete a How-To project. This required a microwave, mugs, and other supplies; hence the large box.

We do Daily 5 in my classroom, so I also have a special location for each of those centers.
This is our Classroom Library. Students can do Read-to-Self or Read-to-Someone in this area, if they'd like. They also have the option of reading at their desk, or anywhere on the floor in our room. They know that they should not be too close to any other reader.
The Listening Station is found in the library also. Students have the option of listening to an audio book with a partner at the stereos, or a computer (located to the right).
Work on Writing is located on the other side of the room. Students have an assignment that they MUST DO, before completing other "fun" writing activities that they CAN DO if finished early. That awesome "What do Writers Write" pencil is from the fabulous Lindsey over at The Teacher Wife blog. You can snatch it up for FREE here.
This is my station for Work with Words. My Thirty-One organizer works perfectly for posting differentiated assignments for different groups of students. Just like with writing, I set out extra Word Work activities for the early finishers. Currently, I have magnet letters and cookie sheets. Students LOVE having the freedom to create their own words!
Finally, my Guided Reading table. I really love the location of this station. Being right in front of the windows gives the readers lots of natural light. I also have lots of storage for leveled books, phonics activities, and data notebooks. The lima-bean shaped table is a must-have for this center. Super thankful to have one!
Another blessing in my room is the amount of storage. This is a picture from earlier in the year. As you can see, I've moved my Guided Reading table since then. The change has made it MUCH easier for students to line up at the door. Each students has a long cubby for backpacks and jackets, and a small square cubby for math workbooks and journals. That amazing wooden box you see was created by my awesome father-in-law. He made it for me during my first year of teaching and saved me loads of money. Here's a close-up: 

Now to the front of the room! This is how it looked pre-SMARTBoard.
Most of that space is now gone, due to the best gift a teacher can received. So, I moved the important things just to the left on my portable storage:
 I am also lucky enough to have a white board, which I use quite often. I'm still getting used to using the SMARTBoard, instead. It is funny how quickly you adapt to what you're given. I taught with a SMARTBoard my first 3 years, but it didn't take long for me to find other ways to engage my students when I found myself without one. Nonetheless, I'm excited to have it back!
This is just to the right of my SMARTBoard. I love being able to post up anchor charts or other things we create during lessons. I also have my Daily 5 charts posted up here. Students choose where they want to go for each round of Daily 5 by placing a clothespin with their name on their choice. These print-outs are from Michaela Peterson as well. 
Last, and least important, is my space in the room. I take the  back corner of my room for my desk, filing cabinet, and book shelf. I know that many teachers and administrators argue that a teacher doesn't need his/her "own" space in a classroom, but I think I disagree. In order for me to keep up with the massive amount of paperwork, conferences, meetings, and data that teachers deal with on a daily basis, I think I need my own space. A place where things will not get drawn on or accidently thrown away. A place where I can get prepared and find things easily. I need this space, and I'm ok with that. it us. Calendars, water, office supplies, and a few pieces of chocolate are the must-have's here. I also create this organizer that MANY bloggers have wrote about. It is super convenient & of course uses OWLS from that same package.

Well, that's my room, in a nut shell. I hope you enjoyed touring my room virtually. How is your room set up?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Welcome Back!

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Thanks to some good advice from Kimberly over at Funky First Grade Fun I joined BlogLovin today, so click the button to follow me there!

Today was my first day back in the classroom with my students. I was reminded just how much I love my job and each of my sweet kiddos. I had a few workdays before they returned, which was really nice. I was super productive and got a lot of planning and organizing done. Oh and did I mention that I got my SMARTBoard!!!
Not the best picture, but she sure is a beaut!

Well I have to run, but I'm excited to post a tour of my room soon!!

Monday, January 20, 2014

A day in the life...A schedule linky

Today I'm linking up with Amelia over at Where the Wild Things Learn! I thought it might be fun to share my daily schedule and check out what other teachers are doing all over the world!

My schedule is about the same every day. On Tuesday, we switch things up just a little due to PLT's (Professional Learning Teams AKA Team Meetings AKA Data Talk) first thing in the morning. Our school {sort of} designs our schedule for us, and we tweek it to fit the needs of our students. Our day is pretty much split in 2 parts, which works well for the kiddies. 
When the students arrive, I typically have a fun worksheet or review activity on their desks for morning work. If not, they know to get a book from their book basket or the library and read quietly. Many students arrive late, so the students are given a little extra time to finish up after announcements at 8:20. If they don't finish their morning work before 8:35, they keep it at their desk and work on it whenever they have some free time throughout the day.

At the beginning of the year, I tried doing morning meetings and found that I lost valuable Daily 5 time. After going to a training on Friday done by the FABULOUS Jennifer Jones, I was  reminded of the importance of this togetherness each day. I plan to start that back up this week. 

My literacy block is divided up something like this: 
8:45-9:00  Daily 5/Guided Reading
9:00-9:10  Mini Lesson {Comprehension}
9:10-9:25  Daily 5/Guided Reading
9:25-9:35  Mini Lesson {Phonics}
9:35-9:50  Daily 5/Guided Reading
9:50-10:10  Read Aloud
Of course it is nearly impossible to stay on track completely, but this is what I aim for. I have an incredible teacher's assistant every other day who also pulls a group for guided reading. If things go well, all groups are able to be seen every other day. On the days that I do not have an assistant during literacy, I see my lowest 3 groups. The read aloud section almost never had it's time to shine last quarter. This go-around I plan to make it a priority. Students need to be read to. They need to see that reading is fun and that some times people actually read without being questioned. It's a great way to introduce new units or themes. It is also an excellent way to show off different genres. It helps students figure out what they like and what they don't like. Reading to your students is important and should be a part of your daily schedule. I'm excited to get back to that!

After specials and lunch we settle back in with a few minutes of rest time. Students have the choice of resting their heads, reading, or writing in their journals. They are not allowed to talk or leave their seat during this time. It helps them to calm down and rest their tummies! 

My math block looks like this: 
11:55-12:15  Teacher Time {a new topic is taught or something is reviewed}
12:15-12:30 Lesson Work {Students independently practice what we just learned}
12:30-12:45 Math Centers {As soon as students finish their Math Practice, they pick a center and play with friends. The centers always cover topics we have already learned. During this time I check the students Lesson Work and pull students who did not understand}
12:45-1:10 Fact Practice {If students complete their center and have extra time, they pull the bucket of flash cards to practice with a friend, OR they hop on a computer and practice recently taught math skills}
Once math is cleaned up, we head to the carpet for a writing mini lesson. This is where we cover language, speaking and listening, and writing standards. Next, the students get a chance to use what they've learned in their writing journals. I typically pull students for conferences during this time. If we have extra time, we come back to the carpet to share our writing.

At the end of the day, time permitting, we do a science or social studies activity. Many times, the current topic is integrated in read-alouds and other literacy work. It is just so hard to squeeze everything in!

Having recess at the end of the day has its pro's and con's. It is definitely nice to sit back and relax for the last 30 minutes of the day. However, by that point, the students are so desperately in need of a break. This is one area we couldn't do much about, so we make the best of it :)

Now it's your turn! Join the Linky Party and tell us all about your day!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Long time coming...

I can barely believe today is here! For a while it felt as if this day would never arrive. Today is the last day of track out. Day in and day out -  organizing, cleaning, creating TPT products, sewing, baking, watching Netflix, hanging with friends, shopping. It has really been wonderful. However...this week I have been counting down the days with excitement. I really miss my little cuties! It has been nice to sleep in and do what I want whenever I want, but I feel a real lack of purpose. I was born to be a teacher. It's in my blood. I need to be around children, lesson planning, and teaching. I'm lost without it! So, I am excited to see my classroom tomorrow and get back into the swing of things. DID I MENTION I'M GETTING A SMARTBOARD?!?!?! Actually, it should be installed and ready to go! This is the first school I've worked in where I haven't had one. It has certainly been weird. I've been telling my students about it and we are all very excited!!

So I mentioned that I've been creating a lot of new things for TPT. This week I decided to try creating my own frames and digital paper. It is a learning experience...but it is very exciting to be able to create a whole product and NOT have to give anyone else any credit :). Today I finished up some CHEVRON digital paper and then I made some classroom labels using my new creation in the background. For the most part, I create things that I am in need of, hoping that others are, too. I have been working to organize me classroom little by little (only because of the slow process of $$buying$$ all of the crates and containers), so these labels will really help. I'd like to give my labels away to the first 5 people to comment this post (DON'T FORGET TO LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS)! Here is a preview:

Check it out here.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tuesday Treasures

Hey guys! Well it is TUESDAY, so I'd like to share a few treasures with you.

First, I'd like to show you a few great blogs that I follow.
  1. Fabulous Fish This blog is by my sweet friend Stephanie Kinley. She is an incredible teacher and a really great person. She has some awesome products on TPT that I use in my classroom a lot. Check her out and follow her blog. 
  2. Mrs. Prince This blog always makes me happy. While I don't know this teacher personally, I do enjoy her products. 
  3. The Kinder Garden This blog has a beautiful design. The creator has excellent products and has recently added an entire section for FREEBIES! Check it out!
Next, I want to share a few TPT treasures.
  1. If you haven't already done so, check out my store. Follow Me Here

      2. My good friend Amanda Freeman just opened her store on TPT with some great winter products. Check her out here.

Lastly, you should Pin some of these awesome resources on Pinterest
  1. You can follow my education boards here:
    1. 1st grade
    2. Kindergarten
    3. Upper Elementary
    4. Organization and Classroom Decor Ideas
    5. Guided Reading/Daily 5

And while you're surfing the web, take a second to check out my BRAND new Facebook page. The first 5 people to like the page get a FREE resource from my TPT store that typically sells for $3.50! Take a look!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Make-It Monday

Happy Monday, Y'all!

I hope you all enjoyed survived your Monday! I know they can be rough, especially in the education world.  If you read my last post, you know that I am currently tracked-out, or on a break from school. I go back on Friday, so I am trying to get my mind and body adjusted. This morning I failed...rather big time. The alarm went off at 7:30. While I did wake up several times from then until I actually rolled out of bed, I slept way later than I meant to. Oops!

Since it is Monday, and Monday's typically stink, I want to you give you all a FREE gift for Make-It Monday.
If you like this frame, you can download it here for FREE

I spent some time this afternoon creating a Valentine's Day card to give out to all of my students. Printing these puppies and taping a lollipop to the back is MUCH faster & easier than purchasing and labeling 20-some cards with each child's name, along with yours. I hope you find these useful as you prepare to spoil your cuties!
For a FREE PDF download, click HERE

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Year-Round Schooling

For the first time in my career, I work at a year-round school. Where I am originally from, this does not exist. When we moved to NC and I began to hear a lot of year-round lingo, I was very confused. At this point, obviously, I understand the concept and the schedules (tracks), and I LOVE it. I am currently tracked-out, which means that my students and I have a few weeks off to rejuvenate. It just so happens that my track-out began as soon as Christmas break ended. This means I have been off work for nearly 3 weeks and counting. I return to work late next week. The students will enjoy a few extra days off, and then we will all be together again in late January. Sounds amazing, doesn't it? Well, it is. Now don't worry all of you traditional calendar folks. Your time comes in June!!
I made a to-do list at the beginning of Christmas break to ensure that I remain productive during my long time away from work. It can be too easy to become lazy if I convince myself that there is nothing to do. I am blessed, however, in that I enjoy being active. I love cleaning, organizing, and baking. So making a to-do list is typically exciting for me. Anyway, I pretty much checked everything off of my list last week. The only things remaining on that list involve school work. Which involves thinking about work, pulling out papers that didn't manage to get graded before break, working on report card comments, thinking about an alarm clock and a schedule and limited bathroom & snack breaks. So you see, I sit here...on the couch...writing a blog. This is really much more fun :-)
Because I am such an over-achiever (I'm not bragging, it's annoying), I did complete a few things before my break began. My school just started using an online "gradebook" program, but it's still in the works. So, until it is fully functioning, I like to keep my stuff organized my own way. I have created a gradebook that only contains the Common Core Standards that we are required to teach this quarter. So far I have only inputted math standards. However, it is created in Word, so it would be easy to adapt this chart for any subject or standards. We are also required to have 3 grades for each standard (this is why there are 3 small boxes for each student under each standard). I am not sure if this would be useful to anyone else, but I hope it will be!

Click here to download your FREE Math Gradebook

I guess I should get to work. Did I mention I also need to get some groceries?? Ugh...these are a few of my LEAST favorite things :/

My story

So this is my very first blog post. It is hard to say if anyone will actually ever read these words, but I do hope that my ideas and thoughts can inspire others. I have been teaching for 3 years, and so far I have covered 4 grade levels. Sounds kind of crazy, huh? Let me unfold my story for you.

I began my teaching career in 3rd grade at a really awesome school in Virginia. That summer, I married my handsome guy and a few weeks later we moved to North Carolina. I was lucky enough to score a job before we even made the move. I would be teaching 4th grade. Long story short, it wasn't the right place for me at that time. When the opportunity arose (unfortunately during the end of a school year),  I switched to a different county. Upon moving to the new school I was asked to teach kindergarten for the remainder of the year. When that school year was over, I was moved up to 1st grade. Which brings us up to date :)

It has certainly been challenging moving all of my materials each year, adapting to a new set of rules, meeting new co-workers, trying to learn the do's and don't's with new administration, and adjusting to a whole new grade level. But I must admit, this experience is rare and I'm thankful for it. I have learned a lot, from a lot of different people, and students. I'm excited about where I am now. I love my school, my team, and my students.

Well, that's a little bit about me! I hope to use this blog as a spot to express my creativity as a teacher. I plan to give away some freebies, and introduce some new units before selling them on my TPT store (check out my store here!). I also want to share what works and what doesn't work using my experience at varied grade levels. I hope you (assuming someone is reading this) come back again and again!